Tuesday, March 4, 2008


What I haven't been mentioning when writing about my workouts is that I am normally accompanied by my grandson. Normally he will spend some time on the treadmill or on the machines while I'm getting in my workout. After I'm done I help him do some weight work, or pushups, or perhaps some thrusters. Last night he decided to copy grandpa so he did the same :30/:30 interval set on the C2! He went at it pretty hard and displayed good form.

When he came home from school today, he said his leg were sore and that he didn't want to go to the gym. So I decided to come up with a "stay-at-home" workout. We started walking around the neighborhood and took turns challenging each other to sprint to a mailbox of some other land mark. It's a real stretch to call what I do "sprinting" but it was a great warm-up. Then I spent a few minutes making up a prop and the circuit training began. I started by asking him help me move some sandbags from near the front of the house to the back yard. Once we got there, I said I changed my mind and told him we had to bring them back. He gave me an evil eye look but he knew the game was on!! Then I let him test out my creation:

What you see is a 15inch tire with two sandbags held in place by duct tape, and an 8-pound medicine ball. What I had him do was take several shots a an 8-foot high basketball goal, and then flip the tire across the yard. We did several repeats of that along with "ball slams." He got a great workout and actually had some fun in the process. Of course, I didn't get a whole lot out of it except for the few pseudo-sprints I did in the warm up, and a couple of sandbag farmer's walks. So I need to start thinking of some devious challenge for myself to take on tomorrow! :-)

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