Saturday, May 24, 2008

Unusual Sighting On The Golf Course

This is truly an unusual site. A few years ago, our course was shut down for a major overhaul. One of the things they did was add a "state of the art" irrigation system. It has dual lines running down each hole, and it's integrated with a computer controlled weather station. Real fancy stuff. The only problem is that shortly after the install, the suits controlling the money decided the course was using too much water and they cut back to only watering greens and tees. All of the nice bermuda grass they had put in the fairways started to die and the weeds took over. Eventually it all turned to crap.

Fast forward a few years and we finally have some new leadership in the MWR (Morale, Welfare, and Recreation) office, and apparently getting the golf course back in good shape is one of their priorities. I talked to the course super and they have seeded several of the fairways and once that takes they are going to go after the weeds. Our course has the potential to be very nice--hopefully that will happen!

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