Friday, May 30, 2008

"Hey, Lucifer, Check The Anti-freeze!!"

Based on my racquetball match today, I'm predicting that Hell will freeze over tonight!! I don't normally play on Fridays because I'm eating lunch with my grandson at school. But with school out for the summer, Ron and I got together for what I assumed would be my normal beat down. I played pretty well in the first game and lost 15-13; however, I considered that one a moral victory because I saw something I had never seen before. Ron was breathing hard after a couple of points!! That's pretty damn rare! We had some good rallies and he had to run a little. The second game, however, saw me on the top side of a 15-11 -- one of my very rare wins. Now I have to state here for honesty's sake that this is sort of like a better golfer giving me several strokes in a match. Ron usually doesn't use his good service game for any game we play unless I'm threatening to win. And there are some points where he probably could have gotten to a ball with more effort. But Ron does not want to lose so I have to earn those last few points. I got some good returns in against his serve, and he uncharacteristicaly skipped a few balls when he could have put me away. But the bottom line is - I WON!! :-) Based on past history, my next scheduled victory should come around November. :-)

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